It’s been a long year and it’s been long enough since I blogged, last post dating back to November 6. Too bad I must admit and I wish to make excuses as well but I will not, for I know I have only myself to blame.
Phew! I thought i’d write a lot but currently I am thinking of even discarding of what I’ve written above. I feel it’s time to deliver some actual results rather than just talking. Time to complete all those pending assignments and show something worthy enough.
No, this is not a new year resolution but I’ll try to be regular up here with something up for grab always. That’s what I hope to do. Coincidentally I have joined an organization [South Asia’s largest Media Group] where my boss asks me to blog more often (probably she might be the only boss or one of those rare few, at least in India, who ask you to blog). Glad to have such a boss/manager/instructor/guide.
See you folks with some awesome stuff soon. Happy New Year. By the way don’t forget to drop in your new year resolutions, would love to learn from you, maybe it helps both of us so do share. 🙂
Some times even movies can teach us a lot. Probably everyone of us has seen the movie ROCK ON, here are some things which I thought we can learn from it.
1. Talent must be MARKETED, if properly shown to relevant people, it can reach new levels and set new benchmarks. (Joe, a great guitarist, does not want to tell people and give auditions)Â If people don’t see your talent, how will they value it ?
Market Yourself
2. What we’ve learnt must be shared with others and must not end if we end, it must go on. A true leader always always creates a 100 more leaders (Joe and KD started a business of nurturing new talent).
Promote new talent
3. We all make mistakes but the point is do we learn from our mistakes and move on keeping in mind that we won’t make the same mistake again. (Joe realized that Aditya was not wrong, it was the situation and the circumstances that made him feel so, which he understood and came back).
Magik reunited for that second chance
4. Life does not offer a second chance to everyone, but if that chance is given do we grab it with both hands ? I guess most of us let that chance go ! (Magik grabbed that chance and performed once again on stage, and I don’t need to say that it did remarkably well).
5. Money is not the only criteria to be successful and happy in life. (Aditya is very successful and has everything in life what an ideal person would want to, but was Aditya happy living that life? All of us know the answer, there are other things in life that are important in life to keep us happy.
Criteria for success – Money?
6. You must set your priorities right, there are a 100 different things to do for everyone at an given point of time, it’s WE who have to take that correct decision based on the importance. (Rob could have met that producer whom Anu Malik wanted to meet him, but he knew his priorities – Magik).
Learn to Compromise
7. We all have to make compromises in life at some stage, we should LEARN do that, sometimes a successful compromise can take us a long journey (Had Magik completed their first album according to the director’s needs, the album being a HIT, they would have dictated terms from the next album, unfortunately, they DIDN’T) .
Learn to forgive
8. Sometimes even our “bestest” friends do something bad to us, but they don’t do it intentionally, we should find out the reasons, and best part is FORGIVE them. No point in carrying a heavy heart all through your life. Needless to say, your friend should be worth the forgiveness.
Friends Forever
9. Best friends are forever, no matter how good or bad the times we face, real friends will always be at your side.
10. When resources are less and we really need something. that’s the time when we have be INNOVATIVE (Magik really needed the money and Aditya was innovative enough to sing old songs with Rock Touch).
Learn to innovate
Last but the most important point, Live your Dreams ! Someone has correctly said
Dreams are not those which you see while asleep, but they DON’T let you sleep
In order to ROCK ON, you must have a Dream !
Live your dreams
Well, those are the things I learnt, it’s not an exhaustive list, probably you can something more. Drop in your learnings in the comments section. Highly appreciated.