That’s how Police in our country behaves…always!
SSP #Guwahati blames Del media 4 ‘hyping’ molestation. says N-E girls get raped in Del & no hype.(w/ dis mentality no wonder only 4 nabbed)
— GAURAV C. SAWANT (@gauravcsawant) July 13, 2012
No wonder what happens, its the Govt. that gets blamed, rightly so!
Dear Government of India, the #Guwahati incident was also an act of paedophilia, concerning which, you recently passed some stupid laws.
— Mishra (@Pakespeare) July 13, 2012
Something that all of us have believed in now (and its not just women)
#guwahati Pathetic! Shameful! Indian women better realise that they are on their own.
— Farhan Akhtar (@FarOutAkhtar) July 13, 2012
Media can bring down governments, only if we had better journos though π
20 men molested girl in #Guwahati. only 3 arrested so far. Dont spare the beasts
— Rajdeep Sardesai (@sardesairajdeep) July 13, 2012
Sad state of our country!
Men are not scared. They are aware about the inaction of our police. #guwahati
— blahhh (@blah_di_dah) July 13, 2012
Not sure, cynics? Or maybe they are right?
Exactly!!! β@mcoond: @jayantgajria come on dude, their own friends will be tweeting here but wont identify them :/β #guwahati
— Jayant R. Gajria (@jayantgajria) July 13, 2012
Of course, some people will always believe its those fake film stars who can solve all our problems!
Dear @aamir_khan hope ur reading.. RT @ChalHuttt: its all so fucked up. the people. this country. #Guwahati
— ???? ? ?????? (@epattni) July 13, 2012
The difference between the Facebook and the Twitter junta:
Wow! Nobody on Facebook seems perturbed by what happened in #Guwahati. All busy drooling over ParineetiChopra and DianaPenty. #Pricks
— Kanupriya Jain (@msgreeneyd) July 13, 2012
Yeah, someone needs to defend the media too!
Only 1 journalist Binay at the #Guwahati. molestation. Tried to intervene, was beaten. So called cops, recorded the horror. Helped arrests.
— Shiv Aroor (@ShivAroor) July 13, 2012
Update: The verdict was delivered a few days back: Amar Jyoti Kalita, 10 others convicted; TV reporter acquitted